Following an unwanted (and unexpected!) halt in all social activities in 2020, our Arkafort team this year got together to celebrate Christmas. And after a year – well almost two now – of online team meetings, calls and remote working, you may just imagine how significant this was for our team! Strictly following current protocols in place, our team – together with Arkafort’s main collaborators and supporters – enjoyed a sit-down, three-course meal at Bacchus restaurant within the walls of Mdina.
Despite the pandemic and the difficulties which all businesses faced throughout these past two years, our team has managed to grow significantly and extend further our operations. With around 50 IT experts working across the three different main divisions, our Arkafort family is growing steadily and rapidly. In his speech during the event, co-founder Gordon Grech commented about this growth and expressed his gratitude for all the hard work which the team has carried out, as well as the resilience, strength and flexibility with which the team has approached their work.
Gordon also pointed out some of the most exciting and ambitious goals for the company, which will shape the upcoming months and years. He explained how Arkafort will continue to grow and expand even further, whilst remaining committed to the same, high-quality service for which it is most known and trusted for. He also unveiled a most inspiring project which Arkafort will be engaging in together with Prof. Joseph Borg (who led Project Maleth) and other collaborators, which will be focusing on research and innovation in the field of genomics, linking this to missions in space!
Before we embark on this busy schedule of events and plans, we would like to take a moment to thank all clients and collaborators who have believed in us and our services, and to promise that we are still committed to offering the best IT solutions for businesses and to stay true to our mission: making technology accessible and straightforward. Promoting technology as an ally and a friend, allowing you to focus on what matters most.
And once again, we would like to express our utmost gratitude to all our team members who make this vision possible.
On behalf of team Arkafort, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2022 ahead.